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Hot off the press Words of Wisdom

Most days since late 2019 I enjoy wonderful, inspiring, expansive talks with the unseen. The wisdom they freely share is transforming my experience of being human in ways that are difficult to explain but truly wonderful to experience. I'd love to share snippets of these conversations with you directly to your inbox. So if you're curious and you want to expand your awareness, then sign up!

Conversations with the unseen podcast

In December 2019 we began an amazing and completely unexpected journey conversing with beings from the unseen world which has totally transformed our lives. And now, after hundreds of hours of conversations, we are doing what our non-physical friends have been encouraging us to do – sharing their message with others who may be interested.

Wizard School YouTube Channel

My perspective is that there are fundamentally two ways in which you can live your life - from the ego or the inner being (heart). Aligning with the inner being is like having your own bespoke navigational system. As we align more with our Inner Being we begin to create a very different experience of living - one with more peace, ease and joy. To find out more, take a look!